Trauma Therapy in Atlanta, Georgia

Trauma Therapy in Atlanta, Georgia

Trauma Therapy

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common mental illness that can occur after a severely traumatic event. Symptoms include repeated experiences of traumatic events (such as nightmares, flashbacks, and painful thoughts); avoidance of arousal cues related to traumatic events; negative changes in thoughts and emotions; and overreactions (including nervousness, easy fright, difficulty sleeping, Trauma-centric talk therapy can effectively treat post-traumatic stress disorder. The most effective of these is based on Cognitive-Behavioral therapy (CBT). Unfortunately, the number of qualified therapists who can provide these treatments is limited. Other factors also limit (patients) access to treatment, such as the need to ask for leave to see a doctor and even treatment for children are also very popular, as child physical and sexual abuse coming to an alarming situation.


Trauma Focussed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

In recent years, in the context of frequent conflicts, moral trauma has begun to enter the vision of medicine, and Cognitive Behavioral therapy suitable for psychology has also been widely recognized.

Over time, although the symptoms experienced by most trauma survivors gradually decrease and recover from the trauma, some victims will continue to develop PTSD and experience persistent symptoms that destroy biological, psychological, and social functions, and also trauma focused cognitive behavioral.


So far, TF-CBT is considered to be one of the most effective treatments for PTSD. Trauma-focused therapy requires patients to recall and/or talk about their previous trauma, which may prevent some patients from accepting and participating in the treatment.


The cognitive-behavior is based on Litz et al., meaning moral injury treatment. The moral trauma treatment model of therapies is even more representative. It is mainly through the establishment of connections, preparation, and education, reshaping the exposure experience, testing and reshaping, dialogue with benevolent moral authorities, restoration and forgiveness, establishing new connections, and long-term planning, these are more common in children and adolescents.


The basis of treatment is to establish contacts and form a mutual-help group. The treatment guarantee is preparation and communication before treatment, as it is an evidence based treatment for children. The key to treatment is to clarify moral attribution through adaptive disclosure. The core of treatment is moral restoration and self-forgiveness, and the goal of treatment is self-identity and reconstruction.


Safe Mode EMDR

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR for short), also known as the “eye movement body and mind reconstruction method”, is a psychotherapy method created by Francine Shapiro in the 1990s. The method is to allow the psychologically traumatized patients to recall unpleasant memories, and the therapist provides bilateral stimulation, such as moving the eyes left and right, or hand tapping, in some traumas this practice is listed in the empirical guidelines for the treatment of post-stress syndrome (PTSD) and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Critics pointed out that the eye movement in EMDR cannot enhance its effect, and it lacks a falsifiable theory. There are many meta-analysis pointed out that this therapy and treatment for PTSD focus on the trauma of Cognitive-Behavioral therapy (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) as effective, but because of the small number of studies, a high degree of researcher bias risk and high discontinuation rate experiments These studies need to be further confirmed.

After experiencing mental trauma, the “wordless terror” may appear. In other words, the traumatic experience is stored as a mental burden in a certain part of the patient’s brain and is experienced (or dissociated) by the patient’s heart. At the same time, the activity of the language center may be inhibited. It is difficult for patients to express what happened through language, which makes it more difficult for the brain to process traumatic experiences and traumatic life events.


The theory of EMDR believes that bilateral stimulation through specific eye movements (also acoustic or tactile stimulation) gives the two hemispheres of the brain a chance to synchronize, and the traumatic experience of dysfunction can also be reorganized internally, as it is an evidence based treatment. Also, referring to the REM stage during sleep, in which intense eye movements occur, this may be related to the increased processing patterns experienced in daily life.

Under the framework of EMDR therapy, different technologies have been pioneered. For example, Watkins’ “emotional bridge” technology (“floating” technology (Shapiro)) believes that by dealing with the current stressful situation, the purpose of dealing with the previous stressful situation can be achieved.


But can neuroscience reflect a person’s experience objectively?

Regardless of brain anatomy, the patient’s personal experience is the key to the problem. In pain, subjective feelings and emotions are both very important. ‘Hypnotic sedation’ is a treatment that exists specifically to regulate emotions, at the same time it is the responsibility of parents or caregivers to maintain a positive environment in the house.


Hypnotherapy For Trauma

Hypnotherapy refers to the use of hypnosis methods in an extremely narrow range, with suggestive language, to eliminate pathological mental and physical disorders of psychological treatment methods.


Through hypnosis, people are induced into a special state of consciousness, and the doctor’s words or actions are integrated into the patient’s thinking and emotions to produce therapeutic effects. Hypnosis can well promote people’s potential abilities. Some psychotherapy methods now use hypnosis to treat people’s mental health, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression anxiety, bad habits, and emotional problems.

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